Propagation Modeling in Large-Scale Cooperative Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks
Online Movie Ticket Booking Project App Propagation Modeling in Large-Scale Cooperative Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks A. MEMBERSHIP OF A NODEIt can be noticed that because of random channel charac-teristics, a node can be part of many levels in different CTsessions. The tendency of the nodes to be in the same hopor level in subsequent iterations of the CT is higher if thenodes are present around the center of a level and the tendencydecreases gradually for the nodes located near the boundary.The path loss is the main factor in governing such behaviorof the nodes. The nodes present near the boundary of a hopcan become part of the adjacent hop due to the lower pathloss as compared to the path loss of the nodes present aroundthe center of the hop. The membership probability of a nodethat it transmits in hopmis different for every other nodeof the hop as shown in Fig. 2. For instance, a node locatednear the boundary of hop,m−1, can become a member ofthe next hop,m, provid...