
Analysis of Energy Management in Hospitals

Hospital Management System Project Analysis of Energy Management in Hospitals From those researches, it can be stated that the air conditioning and appliances (medical devices) have the highest rates in energy consumption. The reasons for that are: 1-The weather nature in Saudi Arabia which is generally very hot and dry in the summer and cold and wet in the winter. 2-The demand to provide maximum comfort and all the necessary conditions in medical environment to help and treat patients [20] which is that the main concern for medical staff. 3-Medical practitioners are giving the energy efficiency low priority so they behave for that point [10]. Code Shoppy Fig.5 illustrates not only old information but also information which lacks breakdown details of electrical energy consumption for different loads. Such information is very important for any energy management program to succeed and it justifies the need for the proposed program. Before carrying out the p...

Propagation Modeling in Large-Scale Cooperative Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks

Online Movie Ticket Booking Project App Propagation Modeling in Large-Scale Cooperative Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks A. MEMBERSHIP OF A NODEIt can be noticed that because of random channel charac-teristics, a node can be part of many levels in different CTsessions. The tendency of the nodes to be in the same hopor level in subsequent iterations of the CT is higher if thenodes are present around the center of a level and the tendencydecreases gradually for the nodes located near the boundary.The path loss is the main factor in governing such behaviorof the nodes. The nodes present near the boundary of a hopcan become part of the adjacent hop due to the lower pathloss as compared to the path loss of the nodes present aroundthe center of the hop. The membership probability of a nodethat it transmits in hopmis different for every other nodeof the hop as shown in Fig. 2. For instance, a node locatednear the boundary of hop,m−1, can become a member ofthe next hop,m, provid...

Design and Implementation of Women Safety Band with switch over methodology using Arduino Uno

Women Safety And Security App Design and Implementation of Women Safety Band with switch over methodology using Arduino Uno A Women safety band (WSB) is a technology used to protect women from various and unnecessary dangerous situation. This paper presents switch-over text messaging and also describes various uses advantages of women protection band and also compares the technologies developed in the field of women security. The device mainly works on the principle of global positioning system, Bluetooth, multiple functioning microcontroller and switch over methodology. Meanwhile, the device can be easily made compatible with the smartphone having an app named “ALERT” which can be downloaded from google play store. Our paper presents our project WSB (women safety band) ??? and why we need such category of devices for the protection of women in India so, here is the answer according to survey, there ar...

Vehicle Tracking and Detection

On Road Vehicle Breakdown Assistance Finder Project VEHICLE DETECTION      A.FAST-HoG Detection Method In this detection method, we integrated the FAST corner detection with the HoG descriptors feature because the FAST detection can narrow down the Region of Interest (RoI) for the HoG detection, which can reduce the large processing time of the sliding window process. The FAST detector classifies a pixel p as a corner by performing a simple brightness test on a discretized circle of sixteen pixels around the pixel p. A corner is detected at p if there are twelve contiguous pixels in the circle with intensities that are all brighter or darker than the centre pixel p by a threshold t. A score function is evaluated for each candidate corner in order to perform non-maximal suppression for the final detection where Sbright is the subset of pixels in the circle that are brighter than p by the threshold t ,and Sdark the subset of pixels that are darker...

Android Application for Senior Citizens with Hypertension

Android Application for Senior Citizens with Hypertension  At present, the number of senior citizens in the world tends to increase every year. As reported by the World Bank the number of senior citizens in the world is around 0.5 billion people or 8.2% and around 74.3% of them have hypertension [1]. In the same way, the number of Thai senior citizens tends to increase. According to the National Statistical Office, the number of senior citizens in Thailand is around 10 million people or 14.9% [2]. The number of senior citizens shows that Thailand’s society will become a senior’s society soon. From the information of Thai Health Promotion Foundation, senior citizens in Thailand is around 4.1 million people or 41.0% who have high blood pressure or hypertension [3]. High blood pressure is the most common risk factor to other diseases such as stroke, kidney disease, paralysis, and so on. Theref...